Foodflows | Coffeecherry Elixir

Our “Coffeecherry Elixir” is produced in Switzerland, using Brazilian upcycled red Arabica coffee cherries. With only four natural ingredients in total, this refreshing soft drink sets a new bar in terms of taste and design.

Coffeecherry Elixir is the new reference in soft drinks based on upcycled coffee cherries. Produced in Switzerland with only four natural ingredients, this beverage sets a new bar in terms of taste and design.

The focus of the product development has been the holistic use of the coffee plant by qualitatively upgrading a so-called production “side stream”. The pulps and husks of the coffee cherry (so-called “Cascara”) are very much suited to be used as natural, healthy, and fruity ingredients for various food product applications. However, the harvest and post-harvest processes of many farmers are still focused on the production of beans (i.e. the seed of the coffee fruit), as is the existing equipment and know-how. This has now been addressed in a joint effort between the private sector (Foodflows, Nucoffee), the renowned University of Lavras, and a select group of coffee growers, enabling the production of high-quality dried coffee cherries.

In partnership with the Creative Food and Beverage Company in Bern, Switzerland, a dedicated recipe and brewing procedure has been established to arrive at a balanced, shelf-stable, and promising beverage that is ready to use as a standalone drink or drink mixer.




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