Nucleus Coffee Tools & Kaffelogic | LINK sample roaster (Addis operating firmware)

The LINK roaster and its new operating firmware, Addis, is focused on technology, practicality and affordability. Its purpose is to empower easy sample roasting in all areas of the coffee industry: from producers, to exporters, buyers, and roasters, providing more than 700 profiles for its global users.

Produced as a collaborative project by Nucleus Coffee Tools and Kaffelogic, the LINK roaster is focused on technology, practicality, and affordability. The LINK was created, first for foremost, as a tool for coffee producing communities; so much comes from the success or failure of a roast in the coffee quality assessment and purchasing – it’s a crucial point in the process that can make or break a deal as it dictates how the buyer perceives the quality of the sample.

For professionals in coffee-producing countries, the LINK roaster has several unique features that enable easy and consistent roasting. This includes altitude calibration and a custom-built algorithm that predicts and recommends tailored profiles based on volume per weight, density, and process. By inputting this information, anyone can roast, no matter where they are.

In May 2024, Nucleus Coffee Tools released a new operating firmware for the LINK Roaster, Addis. Named after Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, Addis (meaning ‘new’ in Amharic) is the biggest expansion of the LINK roasting system to date. In this update, six new profile roast plans were introduced for Filter and Espresso roasting styles, including a special ‘WBrC pack’ of filter profiles that emulate the style of the roasts used by Martin Wölfl to win the 2024 World Brewers Cup.

This version also coincided with a range of new features to the LINK App to further improve roast profile selection, including Species Selection – which allows users to select profiles for a range of non-Arabica varieties, Advanced Arabica – which allows for customised profile suggestions based on screens size, and Heirloom cupping – which accounts for the genetic and physical variation in heirloom varieties.

Each update of the LINK system is completely free and can be uploaded to an existing roaster – meaning that users only ever have to purchase the roaster once, and all improvements and updates are provided at no cost. Addis has provided more than 700 profiles for roasters to use, accounting for a wide range of coffee species, processing methods and variances in power supply and roasting altitude.


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