IKAWA | Pro100x Sample Roaster

New sensor. New data. New insights. Use the new Pro100x to leverage humidity, and create more reliable coffee evaluations.

The Pro100x uses IKAWA's advanced technology and new sensor to give coffee professionals valuable new insights and tools for green coffee and roasting.

The Pro100x helps companies waste less coffee, improve the efficiency of their workflow, and increase the accuracy and consistency of their roasting helping them to make the best purchases they can for their business.

What's New:

Auto-Detect 1st Crack
Ensures objective sample roasting results no matter who is using the roaster. It is calculated based on humidity data from the roast.

Target Development Mode
A hands-free method to roast to the same Development Time or Ratio every roast, no matter the coffee. It saves time and increases consistency.

Moisture Release Graph
Reduces production test batches and helps companies waste less coffee. The MRG provides a visual template from your sample roast for when to apply heat in your production and avoid a crash, helping companies achieve better production roasts from batch 1.

In addition to these features, we have added:

Roast Chamber Light
A full-spectrum LED light provides accurate colours for in-roast analysis

USB-C Charging
Never lose control by using the new charging port on the Pro100x


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